Terry Halifax
Northern News Services
NNSL (Mar 10/99) - International Women's Week was celebrated Monday in Yellowknife, with the Bread and Roses Luncheon at the Great Hall of the legislative assembly.
Women in attendance heard a selection of music by the Solstice Sisters, a poem by Addena Sumter-Freitag and a speech by the Hon. Helen Maksagak.
"Women of all races, ages and socio-economic status are under-represented in so many occupations in our country," Makasagak said.
"But progress is being made."
She said the day was to honour the selfless work women have performed. "Today we celebrate the achievements of women who've given their lives to making our communities a better place for all," she told the assembly.
"International Women's Day is the one day we celebrate," she said.
"The other 364 days, we work to make things happen. Things that will better the lives of women all over the world."
The winners of the 1999 Wise Woman were also announced at the luncheon.
Status of Women Council President Rita Arey said the selection process is a difficult task.
"Each year, it gets harder to choose the Wise Woman Award winners because so many excellent and deserving women are nominated from around the NWT," she said.
"All of the women nominated, are women who are wise and greatly respected by their communities, families and those whom they help, without any thought of a reward for their voluntary activities."
Four Northern women were selected from 61 nominations:
Angeline Qilluq Simik, of Chesterfield Inlet, was selected for her dedication to 26 years of teaching.
Qamaniq G. Sangoya (Sanguyak), of Pond Inlet, won the award for her contribution to hospice and midwifery.
Sister Celeste Goulet of Tulita, won the award for the Inuvik region. Sister Celeste was honoured for counselling work and the social service she's performed for years in the Arctic.
Jan Stirling of Yellowknife was selected for her 25 years of serving the community with holistic health care and many positions at volunteer agencies.