Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services
IQALUIT (Feb 01/99) - It started out as business as usual.
The teenagers who make up Iqaluit's 795 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets were practising their drills, just like they do every other Tuesday night, when officials, who were obviously military brass, marched in and called the cadet leader up to the front of the room.
And judging by the look of honour and surprise on Captain John Graham's face, he didn't know that Major Dan Drew of the Canadian Forces was going to pin a long overdue medal on his uniform.
"I didn't really expect this. I just thought we'd be doing our regular thing," said Graham of the Canadian Forces Decoration that recognized and honoured his 12 years of service.
Now in his 14th year of heading up the Iqaluit squadron, Graham admitted that he was getting a little suspicious earlier in the evening when he saw members of the legion executive turning up at Cadet Hall.
"I started thinking something was up earlier when everyone was coming in. I knew that one of these days it would be recognized, but I just didn't know it was going to be on Tuesday night."
Flown in from Yellowknife to make the presentation, Major Drew told the cadets and the spectators that the award and the squadron itself were a reflection of Graham's hard work.
"This is the first time I've visited here and it's extremely impressive," said Drew.
"It's a monument to the legion's goodwill and to John's personal efforts. You can tell it's successful and that John's obviously very dedicated," said Drew, who started off his own 23-year career in the military as a cadet.
Both Drew and Graham spoke of the role the organization played in developing the discipline and citizenship of the youths who participated, and Drew commended his Iqaluit colleague on his part in fostering good character traits in the cadets.
"It's a good life learning experience and John's done excellent work."
Cadet Nuqlu Hess, the squadron's Flight Sergeant, said she thought Graham deserved the award for his good nature and excellent teaching abilities.
"It's good. The way he teaches us and everything, his friendliness, the way he treats us."