Arthur Milnes
Northern News Services
NNSL (Feb 19/99) - For a teacher, there are students and then there are students like Hannah MacDonald.
J.H. Sissons Grade 1 teacher Sarah Berry found this out last Friday when she first heard the following words.
"I like Mrs. Berry because she gave us stickers for our work and always laughs and is happy," Hannah wrote. "She makes me feel good."
With these words written, eight-year-old Hannah faxed off her entry in the Northwest Territories Teachers Associations (NWTTA) "Thank you for making a difference" contest.
Her entry was drawn last week and now Berry not only feels the way only a teacher can when praised by a student for her work and efforts -- she also gets a free trip to Edmonton, courtesy of First Air.
Hannah will receive $500 because her entry was picked.
"I'm really thrilled and privileged that Hannah would honour me," an obviously moved Berry said Wednesday. "I'm pleased to receive this award on behalf of all teachers in Yellowknife."
Berry is a 15-year-veteran of teaching at J.H. Sissons, and any adult visitor to her classroom quickly sees why she's popular with her young charges. A group of seven turtles -- enough to spark any students interest -- are in tanks there and there is enough information on the walls to keep any mind occupied for hours.
With this is mind, it's not surprising to hear Berry speak enthusiastically about her career.
"My favourite part of teaching is watching children discover new things," Berry says. "I really love firsts and turning points in children's lives. That's why I teach."
A native of Pennsylvania, Berry first began her career back home in the USA. She arrived in Yellowknife 15 years ago when her husband, Rev. Lee Berry, took a position as a missionary in the North.
She's never looked back.
Just this year, Bradley Nind became one of her students. This was an important milestone for Berry, marking the first time she's taught the child of a former student. Bradley's mother Monique, attended J.H. Sissons years ago.
As for Hannah, who has proven herself quite an author in recent years, she has no problem offering up further praise for her favourite teacher.
"She always laughs and smiles," Hannah says.
"She makes me feel happy and she never gets seriously mad."
For a teacher, it doesn't get a better than this.
Take a bow Mrs. Berry. You obviously deserve it.