Arthur Milnes
Northern News Services
NNSL (Feb 17/99) - Residents wanting to take part in promoting the post-division Northwest Territories can now do so by a flick of a switch -- computer switch that is.
The NWT's Special Committee on Western Identity officially launched its Web site -- -- at a ceremony at the legislative assembly Friday.
"We're anticipating people of all ages will regularly visit the site and contribute to the various interactive activities," committee chair, Yellowknife South MLA Seamus Henry, said in a written statement. "Residents of the new territory are encouraged to tell us what they're thinking and feeling about themselves as Northerners and our new status come April 1. This innovative Web site is one means for them to do that. We encourage people to visit and revisit it because it will be constantly evolving as public participation increases."
The site features NWT information, a symbols gallery where visitors can learn about the significance of NWT symbols already in place, a guest book, information on the special committee and its activities. It also includes an area that will provide a listing of various community celebrations around the NWT which will be ongoing in the post-division months.
A one-time grant of $5,000 for communities to celebrate the creation of the new west was announced recently.
Yellowknife's Duct Tape, an award-winning firm that provides Web site and multimedia design to government, corporate and small-business clients, was chosen by the committee to design the $25,000 Web page.
Duct Tape's executive producer, David Gilbert, gave a special presentation Friday for members of the media and guests of the committee as the site was unveiled.
"We'll be adding many more features," he said. "Everything takes off from public participation."
Committee member, David Krutko, MLA Mackenzie Delta, said he hopes members of the public, especially Northern youth, provide as much input as possible as new symbols and celebrations are planned and discussed.