Buses ferry food to hungry
Dane Gibson
Northern News Services
NNSL (Feb 17/99) - Arctic-Frontier Carriers manager Mark Loan is reminding us that people still require food after Christmas.
During the holidays, Loan authorized placement of blue, food bank collection boxes in each city bus.
Instead of taking them out, Loan decided the boxes are doing just fine where they are.
"We had them in the buses over Christmas and we collected a lot of food so we thought -- why not make them a permanent fixture?" Loan said.
"Hopefully, those who are running for the bus will remember to take a can of food with them. Even if they don't, I think the collection boxes may serve as a reminder that there's hungry people out there."
Food bank treasurer Cathy Hrynczuk said it really helps when companies assist in the collection process.
"We're always thrilled when businesses want to start donation campaigns," Hrynczuk said.
"The need for food has increased in Yellowknife. We're seeing a lot of new faces in here lately."
That doesn't mean the community's generosity hasn't gone unnoticed. Hrynczuk said shelves are almost full and they're in good financial shape heading into the new year.
"With continued public support, we should be able to prepare enough hampers for those families and individuals who need food," Hrynczuk said.
Loan said even if it's not possible to donate cash grants to non-profit organizations, they like to help any way they can.
"If we can bus groups who can't afford to get around and make some of the advertising signs on the buses available, we feel we're contributing to the community," Loan said.
"Even if times are tight, we'll look for creative ways to give back to the community that supports us."