Doug Ashbury
Northern News Services
NNSL (Feb 17/99) - There's a new sparkle in the city's store windows -- Northern polished diamonds.
A trio of Yellowknife jewellers has bought four diamonds mined, cut and polished in Canada.
Eldonn Jewellery, Zingara Jewels and Sashas Jewellery and Giftware acquired the precious stones from diamond-cutting and polishing company, Sirius Diamonds Ltd. of Vancouver.
The stones were mined from the BHP-Dia Met Minerals' Ekati mine at Lac de Gras.
The diamonds -- Eldonn and Zingara have one each while Sashas bought two -- are being shown "loose" with buyers able to pick their own settings. Sashas has already sold its two Ekati diamonds.
"If you look at the side of the diamond, you just see a dark spot. (Under the microscope you can see) it's a laser-engraved polar bear," Eldonn Jewellery apprentice jeweller Hughie Graham said.
The bear logo, on the diamond's girdle (the side of the diamond between the crown and pavilion) shows the stone came from Canada. This is a first. Up until now, it has been almost impossible to tell a diamond's country of origin.
Eldonn Jewellery owners said its $3,500, .46-carat diamond comes with an authenticity certificate from Sirius Diamonds and, like all Canadian diamonds cut and polished by Sirius, will be registered with Gemprint Corp.
Gemprint will register a "map" of a diamond's flaws, as well as a serial number that will be laser engraved on the girdle.
Zingara Jewels owner/manager Rashna Kanany said her store's .371-carat diamond is the first of what she hopes is many more Northern diamonds to be for sale here.
"We wanted the chance to offer Canadian diamonds locally. The diamonds are right in our backyard," she said.
Kanany adds that the stone, retailing loose for $1,500, has good colour and clarity.