Karen Lander
Northern News Services
NNSL (Feb 15/99) - After living for more than a decade in Yellowknife, Jan Lodge says she is no hurry to leave.
Growing up in Florenceville, N.B., Lodge, then known by her maiden name of Braxton, headed North in 1985, after completing her final exams at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, N.B. She received her Bachelor of Arts majoring in psychology.
Her journey began May 1, 1985, when Lodge and her travelling companion, Sarah Mounsey, decided it was time for an adventure and decided the North was the place to be. The fact that Sarah's parents were living in Yellowknife at the time helped the pair chose Yellowknife as their destination.
With degree in hand, Lodge was optimistic she'd be able to find work. It didn't take her long. Soon after her arrival in May, she found work and has been going strong ever since.
Lodge started out working casually for social services in policy and programs. She helped co-ordinate the Territorial Youth Forum, which brought young people from all across the territories together in Yellowknife to meet and network. And Lodge helped the youth prepare a presentation to the legislative assembly.
By 1986, Lodge was working at the Yellowknife Correctional Centre as a correctional officer. At that time, the centre had a women's section.
In 1987, Lodge took a five-week course involving non-violent intervention and childcare counselling in Calgary at William Roper Hull Home.
Lodge says, with respect, that they were one of the first groups to set up and start a facility here in Yellowknife for youth, which later became the Territorial Treatment Centre for youth.
Because of her love of reading, Lodge also helped co-ordinate Read Canada Activities and set up reading circles to promote reading for children.
While Lodge's career was well under way in July, 1989, her personal life -- and her name -- changed when she married the man who'd swept her off her feet -- John Lodge.
Today, the Lodges are kept busy with work commitments -- John owns and operated Visual Affects, a custom framing store -- and two children, Emily, 8, and Hayden, 3.
For Jan Lodge, work is a labour of love as she really enjoys her job as manager of student services at Aurora College's Yellowknife campus. "I really like the new experiences every day, I get to meet new people and education is forever growing in the North.
"Another thing about working here is I've been here for 10 years and I've been able to see and experience the changes that the college and the Yellowknife campus have gone through.
"As manager of student services, I'm responsible for registrar, counselling, library, examination services, and student accommodations, as well as customer services to students and the public, as well as committees for the college and campus."
Lodge also served for two-and-a-half years on the Arctic College Board of Governors.
"At the time we were going through to divide the college to east and west, and that was a really good experience.
"It was an opportunity to work with a lot of good people and it also provided me with knowledge of the college in the big picture."
Lodge also deals with a variety of situations and problems every day at the college.
"Every day is a challenge... Looking after services for students is always a challenge because their needs aren't always the same," said Lodge.
Lodge must be on the right track as student services has been steadily expanding.
"Student services have grown. We've gone from one position to having a full- time counsellor, and having a library, single/family student accommodations and excellent support for students," Lodge says.
"What motivates me since I was young is I've always aspired to be a youth guidance counsellor."
For Lodge, it's particularly exciting to be part of the college which will be celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.
"Every day, I love coming to work," Lodge says.
"I think it's really important that you gotta love your work and to have a good team of people to work with.
"I believe that I have that luxury working here at the Yellowknife campus.
"Ten years from now, I'd like to see myself still working here. It's going to continue to grow and change and be a great place to work. "It's really rewarding when you're in a job where you can see a lot of positive outcomes and I get to see that every year with an intake of new students and at the end of that academic year with graduates," Lodge said, smiling proudly.
Although the college had gone through many transitions, including a few changes in staff and location, Lodge still loves to work at the college.
"I think the school system in the North is great."
For Lodge, juggling work and family has been made easier with lots of support and prioritizing. "Once my children came along, I made a conscious effort to leave my work at work. The support from my husband and the kids have really helped me keep up with the pace at the college."
In her spare time, Lodge enjoys being with family and friends.
"We try to take in all the activities and special events that Yellowknife has to offer."
These days, besides taking quilting classes, Lodge enjoys doing crafts, painting, cross-stitching, going to the pool, reading books, reading to her children and camping -- in the summer that is.