Michele LeTourneau
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jan 11/99) - The North mourns the loss of master carver Judas Ulluulaq, who died at his home in Gjoa Haven Jan. 2. Ulluulaq, younger brother of Charlie Ugyuk, suffered from lung cancer.
The carver has had his work exhibited internationally.
"He was a master of the Central Arctic," says Peter Lau, Inuit art consultant for the Gallery of the Midnight Sun in Yellowknife, who added that Ulluulaq was part of the first group of carvers who helped forge the global popularity of Inuit carving.
"Judas was well-known internationally, in Germany, France, Italy, in the States, New York. He's had lots of shows all over."
According to Lau, Ulluulaq, who carved in serpentine, the deep green stone of the Central Arctic, was the most productive carver. He carved even as his illness became debilitating.
"He had such a sense of humour," adds Lau. "He was a great supporter of the community. A lot of people love him, they just love him. People respect him. He was a very special person, a very generous person. If someone had no money he would clean out his pockets just for you."
Also an avid supporter of the Great Northern Arts Festival in Inuvik, Ulluulaq attended every year except 1998, when he was too sick to go.
Ulluulaq travelled the world but the land was his home.
"His favourite place is on the land -- that's what he told me personally. When he was frustrated or something troubled him, he took the Honda and went out on the land."
Originally from Spence Bay, Ulluulaq moved to Gjoa Haven in the '70s.
"Spiritual pieces are very unique to the Central Arctic," explains Lau. "Judas specialized in those. But his style is known for its free expression. The free expression of movement. Lots of motion. Also, he was known for his inlaid ivory eyes and teeth. With the bigger pieces, the eyes roll."
Several weeks ago, one of his last pieces sold in Edmonton for $30,000.
"He was a master of masters," states Lau.