Paula White
Northern News Services
NNSL (Dec 04/98) - Children aren't the only ones who'd better watch out this holiday season. Motorists are going to have to be on the lookout as well.
The Yellowknife RCMP, along with police in Rae-Edzo and the Students Against Drunk Driving groups from St. Patrick's and Sir John Franklin high schools are planning to hold a series of check stops throughout the holiday season to discourage the public from drinking and driving.
"There's a need to step up public education and enforcement this time of year, given the holiday season and the events that go with it," said Yellowknife RCMP Sgt. Marlin Degrand. He explained that, during the holidays, people tend to socialize more and, to many, that means having a few drinks. Sgt. Degrand said for some people, the temptation is there to drive, but he's hoping the increase in check stops will discourage that.
"Drinking and driving, as we all know, is a very dangerous combination and leads to thousands of injuries and deaths across the country," Sgt Degrand said. "The loss of one life in our community due to drinking and driving would be unacceptable to us."
Degrand added that drinking and driving is not considered to be a large problem in this area, but "it is out there and detection and deterrence is one of the areas we're working on."
The students involved in SADD will be taking part in the check stops as well.
"The students and their teacher supervisors are very eager to become involved and very supportive of these types of efforts," Degrand explained.
Police have already started their Christmas Drinking and Driving Campaign. They held thier first check stop on Dec. 1 in front of the fire hall. Of the 300 vehicles stopped, only 31 tickets were issued - 29 were seat belt violations and two were no licence offenses.
"We had a lot of very positive comments from the public, including those who received tickets," Degrand said. "Our goal for the season is not to have anybody charged for drinking and driving. However, that will be entirely up to the people who are drinking. If they do decide to drive, we'll be there waiting."
Degrand added the checks will be held at random times and locations throughout the season.
"Of course some are pre-planned, but they'll be a matter of public record after they occur."