Student receives medal
Awarded for academic achievement

Paula White
Northern News Services

NNSL (Dec 23/98) - The Governor General's medal for academic achievement was awarded last Friday at Sir John Franklin high school.

Jeff Krukoff, who is home for the Christmas break from attending the University of Victoria in B.C. (UVIC), graduated from Sir John in June. The medal is awarded based on the combined marks from Grades 11 and 12. Krukoff's average was 86 per cent.

Krukoff said he found out he won the medal only about a month ago.

"I was shocked. I didn't really know what it was. A lot of people congratulated me, so I felt pretty proud."

Krukoff spent his first semester at UVIC taking computer science, but he plans to take business courses after Christmas.

"I'm hoping to apply to the faculty of business for my second year," he said.

While attending Sir John, Krukoff was involved in several school groups and activities, including sport teams and student council. Both the principal and assistant principal, Mieke Cameron and Al McDonald, spoke highly of Krukoff.

"He was always really hardworking," McDonald commented. "He was a very down to earth member of student council."

"He has a good attitude," Cameron added.