Arthur Milnes
Northern News Services
NNSL (Nov 09/98) - An MLA's views of the recently released NWT Electorial Boundaries Commission report appear to be dependent upon where the politicians are from.
Ordinary MLAs from outside the territorial capital don't seem to like the commission's recommendation that Yellowknife receive two extra seats in the post-division assembly.
In Yellowknife, on the other hand, MLAs contacted seem quite pleased with the recommendation.
"It's exactly what I had hoped we'd get," said Yellowknife Centre MLA Jake Ootes.
"I thought it fair and adequate...There has to be a great deal of weight attached (in the assembly) because of the individuals on it (the commission). I'm hoping we can be persuasive with the other members."
The boundaries commission was chaired by NWT Supreme Court Justice Virginia Schuler, former government leader Nick Sibbeston and Lucy Kuptana, former president of the Tuktoyaktuk Community Corp.
Hay River's Jane Groenewegen says her constituents have clearly told both herself and the commission there is no room for more MLAs. If the rest of the West has to live with this, so should Yellowknife, she said.
Groenewegen also said selling the idea of more seats for the NWT's largest population, while denying the same for the smaller communities, is not an idea easily sold on the streets of Hay River.
Groenewegen said she'd be voting to reject the committee's report when it comes before the assembly this week.
Yellowknife South MLA Seamus Henry disagrees. He sent a strongly worded press release out last week saying that comments made by MLAs opposing the report have left him shaking his head.
"I can't see why the commissioners would have recommended more seats for Yellowknife unless they were warranted based on what they heard in their public hearings," he said in his release.
"And, they have the ability to read and understand what various courts have said on the topic of representation by population."
Henry said Yellowknife simply has to have more MLAs, considering that 40 per cent of the new NWT will reside within the city's boundaries.
Thebachea MLA, Fort Smith's Michael Miltenberger, doesn't buy Henry's argument.
"Yellowknife has enough representation," he said. "Especially when you consider it is the seat of the government and they (Yellowknife residents) have access to the ministers and deputies."
"I would think there will be a lot of debate."
Yellowknife North MLA Roy Erasmus says, regardless of one's position, NWT residents haven't heard the last of this issue.
"There are a lot of MLAs who don't agree with it (two more seats for Yellowknife)," he said.
"So I don't think anyone should jump to conclusions."
Stay tuned.