Jennifer Pritchett
Northern News Services
NNSL (Nov 04/98) - A Yellowknife teacher and justice of the peace acquitted of sexual assault on Friday says the accusation has had a devastating effect on his life.
"As the victim of a lie, my reputation has been tarnished...," Vincent Clarence Dumond told Yellowknifer.
Despite this, Dumond, who has three daughters, said he has no intention of leaving Yellowknife after 18 years and plans to return to work at Ecole St. Joseph.
"People in this community know me as an honest, upright volunteer," he said. "I'm grateful for their support and the faith that so many people had in me."
Dumond, 55, was charged with one count of sexual assault on Aug. 21, 1998.
Territorial court Judge Michel Bourassa said the Crown couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused was guilty of the offence.
"There is a lot of evidence... a lot of it contradictory," he said. "It's not up to the court to put together a jigsaw puzzle."
A publication ban was imposed on any information that may lead to the identity of the complainant in the case.
Bourassa, in handing down his judgement, said the charge of sexual assault alone carries with it huge repercussions for the accused.
"The crime of sex assault is abhorred in our society," he said. "In the last few years, it has become very high profile -- with Sheldon Kennedy and the residential schools -- it seems as if it's happening everywhere."
And, once the charge is laid, it's very difficult to stop the chain of events that follow, Bourassa said, adding, "It's a bit like a train triggers a chain of events that may seem unstoppable," he said. "We have to remember that one is innocent until proven guilty."
Crown attorney Brad Allison was pursuing the matter summarily, for which a conviction carries up to 18 months in jail and/or thousands of dollars in fines.
Dumond was on leave with pay from the Catholic school board during its internal investigation.
He has been teaching at Ecole St. Joseph since September 1993. He is also a former principal of St. Patrick high school.