Speaker retracts decision
Montreal Masacre's vigil can go ahead in Great Hall after all

Kirsten Larsen
Northern News Services

NNSL (Nov 20/98) - The Speaker of the legislative assembly took a quick about-face on a decision he had made earlier in denying the use of the legislature's Great Hall for an annual public ceremony.

For two consecutive years, the Great Hall has been the gathering place for Yellowknifers participating in the annual vigil to commemorate the violent hate crime against 14 women in Montreal Dec. 6, 1998, known as the Montreal Massacre.

The vigil is one of countless ceremonies across Canada commemorating the massacre and endorsing the Dec. 6 national Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women declared by Canada's parliament in 1991.

Last year, approval was granted by Sam Gargan, the Speaker of the legislature, allowing the vigil to be held in the Great Hall. This year, he sent a letter to organizers of the vigil stating that the vigil would not be allowed use of the hall on the grounds that he found the ceremony "to be of a political nature...contrary to the non-partisan use of the Great Hall."

On Nov. 17, Gargan instructed his assistant to tell Yellowknifer that he stood firmly behind his decision. Then, on Nov. 18, Gargan sent notice to the vigil organizers and Yellowknifer that he reconsidered his decision and the vigil will be allowed to take place in the hall as planned on Dec. 6.

Gargan did not make himself available for comment regarding his reasons for retracting his prior decision.

On the morning of Nov. 18, Gargan had a conversation with legislative clerk, David Hamilton, and instructed Hamilton to inform vigil organizers of the change in his decision.

The Speaker's assistant, Mark Dickey, said Gargan will be mailing a letter to vigil organizers to officially acknowledge his decision change.