Darren Campbell
Northern News Services
NNSL (Sep 04/98) - Let's get on with it.
That was the message Aboriginal Summit member George Kurszewski gave to the Constitutional Working Group at a meeting held in Yellowknife on Thursday.
Kurszewski, who is also the co-chair of the working group along with Jim Antoine, said after summit meetings this week it is clear they want the public consultation process halted.
"It appears to us this thing is getting out of hand,' said Kurszewski. "We think the consultation round should be wrapped up quickly and a constitutional conference be held in November."
The working group is trying to develop a constitution for the new Western Territory that will be created when the Northwest Territories divides in 1999.
But that process has been a slow one as there has been no agreement on what the new constitution will look like.
The working group just finished round two of public consultations on their "Common Ground" workbook. That workbook outlines two approaches to establishing a new government system -- a government to government approach and the combined government approach.
Kurszewski said aboriginal organizations are getting tired of consultations and want action. He said one region, the Sahtu, has already withdrawn from the working group and others might follow.
He said the summit would like to see a constitutional conference go ahead in November where a decision can be made on what to do with the constitution.
Working group member Bob Simpson, who is involved with the Gwich'in Tribal Council and the Inuvialuit Development Corporation, agreed with Kurszewski that it is time for some action.
"People are tired of constitutional discussion," said Simpson. "I think they want to see results."
What the working group eventually will decide still wasn't determined at press time. Antoine said the feedback they have gotten during the second round of consultations has been mixed.
"We are faced with a problem," said Antoine. "Where do we go from here?"