Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services
IQALUIT (Sep 14/98) - Elisapee Pitseolak thrives on what mere mortals call stress.
"When it's really busy and the phones are ringing off the hook and you're running around the office trying to locate everybody, I love it," laughs Pitseolak.
In fact, it's what she likes best about her role of secretary-receptionist in the Iqaluit office of Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.
Similar jobs that she has held for Pauktuutit or the Nunavut Planning Commission in Ottawa didn't offer her the same level of chaos or activity that she handles with grace for NTI.
"This is definitely busier I have to say. I love it," says Pitseolak.
Responsible for general office duties like distributing faxes and typing, she says greeting the public and juggling phone lines keeps her hopping for 40 hours a week.
"I've got it pretty well under control," Pitseolak notes.
In her position since April, after returning home from a six-month stay on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia, the mother of one admits to being thrilled to work for the organization responsible for implementing the Nunavut Land Claim.
"It's the centre of everything that's happening right now," says Pitseolak, a beneficiary born in Apex.
Though her work with the Nunavut bigwigs so far hasn't allowed her to meet any famous people, she's not giving up hope.
"I haven't experienced that yet but I hope so," says the active seamstress, baker and collector of all things Inuit.
Pitseolak also hasn't had to deal with any rude or exasperated clients and she's pretty tight-lipped when questioned about confidential information she handles in her job -- like a pro, she immediately closes down and replies, "I have no comment for that."