Anne-Marie Jennings
Northern News Services
NNSL (Aug 07/98) - The M.S. Norweta will be welcoming wine lovers from around Yellowknife as the Opimian Society of Yellowknife hosts "Cruising the World of Wine".
The event is part of the social events planned and organized by the Opimian Society for its members. The society works as a wine purchasing body, affiliated with all liquor control boards across the country, and also strives to help its members develop an appreciation for the fine wines of the world.
Wendy Colpitts recently became the social organizer for the Opimian Society, and says once she learned that Barbara Leslie would be interested in making an appearance in Yellowknife, she decided to open the event to others.
Leslie is the publisher of Winetidings Magazine, a magazine directed at Canadian wine connoisseurs and which all members of the Opimian Society receive as a part of their membership. Leslie is expected to arrive in Yellowknife today.
"At first, her visit was to be a private visit for members only," Colpitts says. "We have a small membership, and when I decided to try and rent the Norweta, I knew we'd have to open up the event."
So far, Colpitts says the response from Yellowknifers has been overwhelming, with many tickets having already been sold.
"Cruising the World of Wines" with Barbara Leslie is set to take cruisers around Yellowknife next Thursday, August 13. If you think you might like to get aboard, tomorrow is the deadline to get your tickets ($57 for members, $67 for non-member guests).