Derek Neary
Northern News Services
FORT SIMPSON (Aug 07/98) - Fort Simpson has formally been assessed.
After a year of renewed efforts, the community beautification committee's ranking now lies in the hands of Community in Bloom judges Rick DeVan and Brendan Casement. The duo visited the village Thursday through Sunday.
Last year, the first time Fort Simpson entered the competition, it was awarded two blooms out of five. Anna Davidge, a member of the beautification committee, said the hope is that the community will retain that ranking if not improve by half a bloom.
"That's what we're aiming for," she said. "If we can improve on (two blooms) a bit, I think we've accomplished something this year. The judging is just part of it. Just to have the effort, I think we've already shown a difference in the community. This year, we've made more steps. Right there is reason enough to be in existence."
This year's deeds included a spring clean-up, hanging flower baskets, painting garbage bins and the adopt-a-block program, which saw people take responsibility for particular areas of the community.
In his short stay, DeVan, a horticulturist from Halifax, said residents of Fort Simpson had made remarkable strides.
"We think the beautification committee is doing a wonderful job and really bringing about the community pride," he said. "The basket program in the downtown area was very impressive. I think they've got a great start with things like the adopt-a-block program and town clean-up. These are things that are really going along well."
He also saw a diverse range of plantings in Fort Simpson.
"... which is great. You don't see that in most areas of the Northwest Territories," he said, adding that he'd suggest the Fort Simpson someday hold a beautification contest within the community among the residents and commercial areas.
Fort Simpson, in the 1,000-2,000 population category, is challenging some communities which have been involved in the program since its inception four years ago. They are: Millet, Alberta; Carnduff, Saskatchewan; Boissevain, Manitoba; Morris, Manitoba; Mont-Tremblant, Quebec; Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia; and Souris, PEI.
The winning community will receive a large certificate in recognition of its achievement.
The community beautification committee in Fort Simpson has already trained its sights on its next major project, the Fall Fair, which will take place in September.