NNSL (Aug 07/98) - The Liard Valley Band Development Corporation has agreed to supply camp management and catering services for Alberta Energy Company Limited's Maxamish project in Northern B.C. for $3.5 million.
Chief Harry Deneron, president of the Liard Valley Band Development Corporation, signed the deal in Yellowknife last Wednesday. It's the largest single oil and gas contract awarded to a First Nations company in the Deh Cho region.
"This contract is very encouraging," Deneron said. "The Liard Band has taken an active interest in the development of the oil and gas industry in our area for the past few years. We have been discussing short-term and long-term opportunities with several companies. We are pleased to see Alberta Energy is going forward with its project on Fort Liard traditional lands."
The Liard Valley Band's Beaver Enterprises has been supplying services to the oil and gas industry, which has been exploring the southwest corner of the Deh Cho region. After the government, Beaver Enterprises is the largest employer of First Nations people in the Deh Cho.
"We are coming off our best year yet," said Shane Parrish, general manager of the development corporation. "Beaver expects to triple its business next year, which will mean more jobs -- in excess of 200 new jobs for Fort Liard and surrounding communities," said Parrish. "To be successful, we need to upgrade the skills of our workforce. The NWT Community Mobilization Oil and Gas Partnership is helping us to create a more skilled and mobile workforce in our region."
Alberta Energy Company Ltd (AEC West), the largest oil and gas rights holder in the West Peace River Arch region of northeast British Columbia, plans to develop its Maxhamish project through 1998 and to reach commercial production in 1999.
"This signing is an example of the potential for partnerships between northern business and the oil and gas industry," said Barbara Brown, executive advisor with NWT Community Mobilization. The group provides liaison and safety certification, as well as job-readiness training, to Northern workers wishing to participate in the industry.
"Oil and gas industry partners like AEC West are willing to work with Northern communities to provide employment for qualified workers," said Brown.