Arthur Milnes
Northern News Services
NNSL (Aug 21/98) - Dene-based schooling is coming to Ndilo.
Starting Aug. 31, about 30 students will be taking part in kindergarten through Grade 3 studies without having to leave Ndilo. And, representatives of the community say the long-term goal is the eventual establishment of a full school program up to Grade 12.
Earlier this year, the GNWT was petitioned by the community to see if a Ndilo Education Authority could be set up.
Last week, Patricia Jocko, the administrator with the Yellowknife Dene First Nation, briefed members of Yellowknife city council about the plans.
Students in Ndilo currently go to school in Yellowknife under the authority of one of the local school boards.
"For many years now, the First Nation has wanted to deliver school programming in Ndilo," she said. "Right now, we're in the preparatory stages of delivering kindergarten to Grade 3 (this year)... Our teachers are on stream."
"(We'd like to) offer grades 4 to 6 next year and continue that until they can offer Grade 12."
Right now, the city of Yellowknife receives grants-in-lieu from the federal government instead of property taxes for those students from Ndilo in the Yellowknife school system.
While generally supportive of the concept, Mayor Dave Lovell said he and his council would want all aspects of financing issues studied before the project could be fully established.
GNWT Education Minister Charles Dent is currently consulting affected parties about the project. "The major concern of Ndilo, which is precipitating this petition, is the need to assume responsibility for the delivery of effective culture-based schooling that reflects Dene students' culture and language, world view and values," Dent said in a letter last month to Lovell.
"The focus will be on providing an education program built upon aboriginal based curricula, taught by aboriginal teachers, in a school environment based on aboriginal values."
The Department expects that consultations with Yellowknife's school boards, First Nations groups and others over the Ndilo plan will be completed by the end of the month.