Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
PELLY BAY (Aug 17/98) - Early next month could mark the beginning of a new way of life for mothers in Pelly Bay, when the doors to the first day care in that community's history open for the first time.
Christine Pauloosie was among those who graduated from the first module of the early childhood education course delivered in Pelly Bay by Nunavut Arctic College instructor Danielle McDonald. Pauloosie will be the first day-care co-ordinator in the community of more than 500.
The course was held at Pelly Bay's council chambers and participants also completed a two-day First Aid/CPR course delivered by Victor McLeod of Inukshuk Safety Ventures.
Pauloosie says she is very excited about the day care opening, adding she hopes the facility will help a lot of people in her community.
"It was really a good course and I was so glad someone came up to teach and train us about caring for children. We learned so much," said Pauloosie.
"Babysitters here are hard to find and the day care will be a great opportunity for local mothers to get a job and earn money.
"They've been home for so long doing housework and raising children, this will open new opportunities for them."
Michelle Bevan, a daycare consultant with Illaliuvik Day Care, was a driving force behind the Pelly Bay project.
She says the Pelly Bay Day Care Centre should be open within a few weeks, after the arrival of a toy delivery its staff is waiting for.
"We started out with 13 women taking the course and eight completed the module," says Bevan.
"The top six were chosen to work there along with Christine, for a total of seven, and they're all very proud of their accomplishment."
With everyone in Pelly Bay who visits the new centre commenting on how wonderful the new building looks, Pauloosie says she and her staff are anxiously awaiting the grand opening.
"We all love being with children," says Pauloosie. "I have five kids, all together, at home with me and I love playing with them and making them laugh.
"I chase my kids around the house all the time making them laugh and they just love it.
"My staff is so excited about this. Every time they talk about the opening, they're always smiling."