Tracy Kovalench
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jul 08/98) - Summer campers are packing up their tents, clotheslines and lawn chairs, bidding Fred Henne Territorial Campground a reluctant farewell.
Eighteen campers who have called the grounds home for almost two months and
hoped to stay for up to another two have been told to leave.
Not all of them know where they'll be going.
According to the Territorial Parks Act, campers are limited to 14
consecutive nights at the campground. After two weeks, their stay can only
be extended with the park ranger's consent, according to Gary Tees,
regional parks supervisor for the GNWT.
At $12 per night, Tees said the cheap rent attracts both city
residents and tourists to the campground every season. He estimated
anywhere from 10,000 to 18,000 campers call Fred Henne home for at least
one night of the season.
With that kind of demand, long-term campers can be a problem.
"Anything we do here is not money driven, it's more for
accommodation," says Tees.
Last weekend's weather pushed the mercury up around the 30-degree
mark, filling the campground to its capacity. Dozens of tents were also
erected by the boat launch, beach concession and around the swampy areas of
the shower shack.
It was the first time this summer that long-term campers could not
extend their stay. "We'd like to give other people a chance, too," said
This population control at the campground is only temporary and
Tees said familiar faces will be welcome back to the grounds within two
"They've always said it was a possibility," said Denise Maxwell,
referring to the eviction notice she received Saturday evening. Maxwell
left the campground Monday with no definite plans to return.
Word of the so-called eviction notices have some campers like Larse
Zeeuw crossing their fingers.
Visiting from Holland, Zeeuw has lived at the campground for a
month. He and his girlfriend have already been asked to relocate to a less
attractive site near the highway.
The couple are worried their next move may have to be outside
campground gates. "I hope not," says Zeeuw. "We don't have any place else
to go."