Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services
IQALUIT(Jul 06/98) - If there's a community project happening, you can bet on one thing: Iqaluit's Rotary Club is probably behind it somewhere.
The volunteer agency of 35 members is one of the busiest and most successful community
organizations in Iqaluit.
With an annual fundraising drive that nets approximately $50,000
from different events, the Rotary Club has plenty of cash to put into their
Counting the semi-annual vet visit, the steak and lobster dinner
and the weekly bingos among their accomplishments, the Rotary Club's latest
feat includes publishing a children's book in Inuktitut to promote both
literacy and the continued publication of Inuit literature.
Written by Pond Inlet author Carmen Kyak and entitled Isigaujaak, or Running Shoes, the book is being distributed across
Nunavut by the education boards in each region.
"There is so little Inuktitut literature out there. It's a resource
that's very fragile," says Lorne Levy, the president of Iqaluit's Rotary
Published in five Inuktitut dialects along with French and English,
Isigaujaak is also going out to different Rotary Clubs in North America in
an attempt to recover some of their production costs. They're asking other
clubs for a contribution of $100 and for the donation of the set of books
to a local children's library.
"We did it and paid for it and now we're going to see if it is
viable," says Levy.
Ringing in at $15,000 from start to finish, Levy says if all goes
well with Isigaujaak, the Iqaluit Rotary Club will publish more Inuktitut
"We're toying with the idea of what type of book we should next
support and we're trying to do something the school boards couldn't