Anne-Marie Jennings
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jul 03/98) - Workshops, demonstrations and other artistic endeavors are among the events scheduled to take place during this year's Festival of the Midnight Sun.
Now in its seventh year, the festival serves as a showcase for local artists and allows the public to participate in a number of different workshops.
In addition, organizers work to promote the visual and performing arts in the Yellowknife community, as well as foster artistic development and community spirit by bringing various sectors of the local community together in one event.
Events during the festival are set to take place in a number of different locations throughout the city during the day.
Storytelling and poetry events are scheduled every lunch hour and evening at participating restaurants such as Giorgio's, The Trapper's Cabin, Javaroma, The Prospector and The Wildcat Cafe. Sit back and listen to works of other aspiring local poets, or get involved in a poetry workshop and write your own.
One new event scheduled to take place during this year's festival is an artist juried show. Contemporary artists will be invited to submit one recent work for possible inclusion in an exhibition at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. The selection of the pieces which will be included in the exhibit will be made by a jury of peer artists.
Also during the festival, local artists will organize public showings of their work at studios and workshops across the city. A map and list of participating artists and artisans will be made available during the week at the festival office.
The Festival of the Midnight Sun is set to start this Sunday, and will run until July 12.