Tracy Kovalench
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jul 17/98) - A newspaper ad brought perogies, cabbage rolls and Ukrainian eggs knocking at Patricia Evans' front door.
Evans plans to bid the Arctic farewell this fall, as she embarks on a six-month journey to the Ukraine. She expects to cover great distances in her travels, both spiritually and geographically.
"It's my opportunity to discover who I am on my own," says Evans, who moved in with her spouse at the tender age of 16.
Born and raised in Yellowknife, the 22-year-old Metis will be participating in an international women's exchange, first to Alberta and then overseas to Ukraine.
The exchange program is a branch of Canada World Youth, a non-profit organization devoted to sustainable development in communities around the world.
The organization teams up Canadians between the ages of 19 and 29 with peers from a foreign country. Participants partake in a non-formal learning experience, involving volunteer work in each country.
The knowledge gained from personal experience is the key to creating a lasting change in any person, says Evans.
Although primary program funding comes from the Canadian International Development Agency, Evans is expected to raise $3,000 on her own.
Two months ago, Evans approached the Native Women's Association of the NWT for monetary advice. Not only did the staff agree to match her fundraising attempts, they also provided her with an educational grant to study Ukrainian at the Distance Learning Centre.
Evans was also offered summer employment with the association through its Urban Aboriginal Employment Initiative program. With six years of office experience and knowledge in finance in banking, "I can use my skills to help them," says Evans, who dropped out of high school to enter the workforce.
A board member for the Yellowknife Women's Association as well as the National Anti-Poverty Organization, Evans says most of her education has been outside the classroom.
The knowledge gained from personal experience is the key to creating a lasting change in any person, says Evans.
Upon her return to Canada, Evans plans to pursue a general education diploma with hopes of further studies in sociology and political science.