Arthur Milnes
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jun 29/98) - A group of Fort Simpson youngsters is now better prepared to face the challenges of modern day life.
Earlier this month, 19 Grade 6 students from Bompas elementary school graduated from the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program) at a special ceremony at the school.
Under the direction of Fort Simpson RCMP Const. Grant MacDonald, the students had been taking part in the internationally respected program since last October.
The 17-week program delivered a "no use" message on the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. The sessions took place Wednesdays in teacher Tom Wilson's classroom.
"I'm very proud of how enthusiastic the children were in receiving the program," MacDonald said.
"I believe there are now 19 students in Fort Simpson better prepared to go about their daily lives, facing challenges and dealing with the problems teenagers face today."
At the ceremony, students Sara Simons, Tyra Moses, Jarret Hardisty, Catherine Lemke and Courtney Squirrel gave passionate presentations to the audience containing personal commitments to avoid such drugs.
Community supporters of DARE include the village of Fort Simpson, Liidlii Kue First Nation, IPL, Rowe's Construction and the Nahanni Inn.
The Fort Simpson graduates were the first in the NWT to take part in the program.
Preliminary plans are in the works, though not as yet confirmed, to offer the course next year. Students from Hay River and Yellowknife have also taken the DARE course, MacDonald said.