Doug Ashbury
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jun 26/98) - Yellowknifers packed downtown like never before, according to Raven Mad Daze co-ordinator Sue Glowach.
"I've never seen that many people on the streets," she said.
Glowach said she plans to use photos taken from above looking down Franklin to estimate crowd size.
She estimated about 13,000 people came out for the annual festival marking the longest day of the year.
"Many stores report very good sales. And all the street vendors were happy," she said. There were 64 street vendors.
Overlander Sports co-owner Sandra Stirling said Raven Mad Daze "went well."
Overlander, to celebrate its 15th anniversary, gave 15 per cent off many items in the store. "There was a constant flow of people," Stirling said.
Bikes and bike helmets were among the most popular among shoppers.
Overall, she said, receipts from the longest night celebration were only slightly less than last year. But compared with 10 years ago, it's a much bigger event, she added.
Glowach said the event has evolved from a sales event to a family festival.
She has run the last six Raven Mad Daze and said Tuesday this year's is likely her last.
She will continue to co-ordinate events through Spiritwalker Productions but it is time for a committee to oversee Raven Mad Daze, she said.
"It's time to get other types of participation and take Raven Mad Daze to a two-day event," Glowach said.
As a two-day event, stores and businesses not located downtown could get involved with Saturday sales.
Glowach added that community co-operation was "phenomenal."
"I needed the stage moved so I walked into Harley's. They (patrons) said, 'What can we do?' Six guys helped move the stage."
The $10,000 in funding needed to hold the event is raised through community merchants.