Jeff Colbourne
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jun 24/98) - After five years as vice-president of Metis Local 77, Mike Paulette is resigning.
He said it is time to move out of the political scene and into a field where he can apply his knowledge and skills -- the territorial government.
"The politics of any situation you have to be able to assess and moving into this job I'm going into some of that sort of assessment is going to be required," said Paulette
following a brief gathering of Local 77 staff last Friday at their office on Franklin Avenue
Paulette said he feels he is leaving the local in good standing. Over the years they have made vast in-roads toward improving Metis status and creating greater recognition.
"I know that we have accomplished a lot. One of the most important things we have been able to do is profile Metis Nation rights and Metis people," he said.
Over the past decade, Metis have played a major role in constitutional development in the West and have participated in other territorial and national discussions on policy and regulations.
One of the more important things they have also done is establish a good co-operative working relationship with the federal government and most of the departments in the GNWT, he said.
Another major success has come in aboriginal education.
Metis Local 77 has set up a Western NWT tutorial program to educate Metis, and members are now forming partnerships with the federal and territorial governments to ensure the program continues.
Paulette wished the local greater success in the years to come and offered an invitation to president Mike Mandeville to call on him any time.
"In speaking with Mike he's got the right ideas on how to be able to continue to maintain the recognition and move towards the continued recognition," Paulette said.