Jeff Colbourne
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jun 17/98) - Sir John Grade 12 student Jennifer Sharman is the proud recipient of a Canadian Association of Principals Student Leadership Award.
She was one of 21 students from across the country chosen for the $500 scholarship.
"It is quite a honor. It's like, well, 21 kids in Canada. That's pretty amazing," said Sharman on Monday outside her school.
Sharman is hoping now to enter the University of Guelph and study international development, putting to good use the $500.
Sir John high school principal Anne-Mieke Cameron nominated Sharman for the award. Once nominated, Sharman had to write the impacts of technology in the 21st century.
She also had to fill out a form listing all her extracurricular activities, which included student council, the school yearbook, a variety of sports activities, Odyssey of the Mind and Students Against Drinking and Driving.
This year, however, she has limited herself only to her post as president of student council and the odd fundraiser. "It's kind of hard once you get to Grade 12 to be involved in as much," said Sharman.
"Sometimes I need motivation. Sometimes I just so frustrated with school and life around me and think, why am I doing this. I have friends who help me out. You just need a kick in butt once in a while to kind of motivate you," she said.
"I'm really glad I've done it. It's been worth it. It feels good to finish this year feeling like I have accomplished a lot."
Principal Anne-Mieke Cameron is proud of Sharman's accomplishments.
"She always has a smile on her face and a positive outlook on life," said Cameron.
Sharman's confidence and positive thinking is what earned her this prestigious recognition, she added.