Anne-Marie Jennings
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jun 12/98) - Metis born and raised in the NWT want a voice of their own in the increasingly complex arena of aboriginal lobby groups.
In April, the indigenous Metis of Yellowknife established the Yellowknife Metis Government Council, a group designed to protect and safeguard the rights of those Metis who were born in the NWT and still remain in the NWT.
June Balsillie, interim president of the newly-formed council, said the new group will devote its efforts solely toward ensuring indigenous Metis are represented in all areas of negotiation.
"We would like to be party at the table down the line," she said. "There's simply too much interference from non-indigenous Metis now."
Balsillie said that the two Metis groups recognized by the federal and territorial government -- Metis Nation Local 77 and the Bill C-31 Metis (status Indians according to the Indian Act), both are currently headed by non-indigenous Metis.
Similar groups have also begun to spring up in other parts of the territory, including Hay River, whose Metis Government Council will hold its first inaugural meeting at the end of June.
Balsillie added that the indigenous Metis in the Yellowknife area have been supportive of the new group.
"Our mandate will be to promote and protect the rights of the North Slave indigenous Metis," she said. "We will be the voice for the indigenous Metis."
Balsillie said the Yellowknife Metis Government Council is still in the process of developing an executive, as well as bylaws and a constitution for the new group. Once the groundwork has been completed, the group will begin arranging meetings with members.