Jennifer Pritchett
Northern News Services
RANKIN INLET (Jun 03/98) - Police in Rankin Inlet are investigating what they believe to be the worst act of vandalism in the community in recent history.
Const. Mike Harvey said six triple-pane windows were smashed with rocks
Wednesday night at Oomilik Enterprises and graffiti written with magic
marker on the outside of the buildings.
A tractor that was on the property also had its window
broken and graffiti written on it, bringing the cost of damages to more
than $3,000.
"For this town, this is a big crime," he said. "We've never
had something like this before. We go through rashes of break ins, but this
is the most vandalism we've seen here in the last few years. This is like
something you'd see down south."
Harvey said the vandal was likely an adult, given the size
of the rocks and the height of the graffiti.
"This was strictly mischief,"
he said.
Rick Strickland, owner of the general contracting business
Oomilik Enterprises Ltd., said his brothers discovered the mess at 7 a.m.
Thursday morning and then spent the day cleaning it up. He's both surprised
and disappointed that someone would target him.
"It's upsetting because if somebody has a problem, I'd
prefer they knock on my door and we'll talk it out," he said. "I was quite
surprised by the damage and the large rocks -- 10-pound rocks. But if you
get a guy on a rampage, why would he stop at one, I guess."
While he doesn't really know who would have committed the
vandalism, he believes it was directed at him, and not a random act of
destruction or an attempted break in.
"I don't have any cash or booze in these buildings, so this
was pure vengeance," he said. "He didn't step foot in the buildings."
Strickland plans to offer a cash reward to anyone who can
provide information about the crime, and maintains he will have to install
a surveillance system. RCMP suggest anyone with information to call Crime
Stoppers at 1-800-661-TIPS.