Jennifer Pritchett
Northern News Services
RANKIN INLET (Jun 03/98) - The Keewatin Pilot Project now rests in the hands of the Nunavut government.
Officials from the GNWT, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. and Kivalliq Inuit Association and Keewatin mayors agreed at a meeting in
Yellowknife last week, to allow the new government decide whether or not
the initiative will go ahead.
The KPP, if implemented, will transfer millions of dollars in capital
funding to a regional communities association in the Keewatin in the spirit
of community empowerment. KIA president Paul Kaludjak said that the
project was moving too fast and maintains it would only make sense to wait
for the Nunavut government to decide the fate of the KPP.
"Given that the Nunavut government comes into effect in 10
short months, the board feels that -- in the spirit of fostering a smooth
transition -- it is only reasonable for the Nunavut government to decide
whether or not to implement this initiative," he said, in a press release
last week.