Bloom folk need help
People had better get involved, president says Arthur Milnes
FORT SIMPSON (May 08/98) - Put up or shut up. That's the message the president of the Fort Simpson/Liidlii Kue Community BeautiÞcation Committee is telling people with the group's annual general meeting on the horizon. First founded locally a year ago, the committee has been plagued by a lack of involvement by local residents on a large scale. This had better change, says the committee's president. "We're going to do it again for this year but without new people, the current crew will burn out," says Roger Goldsmith. "People simply have to get involved." Last year, the committee spearheaded efforts which saw Fort Simpson receive a respectable rating at the national Communities in Bloom competition in Newfoundland. Judges had visited Fort Simpson last August. Among their remarks: praise for the village's tri-council governing structure, local efforts at retaining heritage sites, an abundance of urban forestry and praise for the landscaped grounds of the visitor's centres, among other things. Earlier this year, the small band of volunteers who make up the committee got together and have already begun planning a fall fair for this September and a sub-committee is examining the feasibility of bringing recycling to Fort Simpson. Fall fairs were a regular feature of community life in the past, long-time village residents say. On Saturday, in partnership with the Northern Store, a community cleanup will get under way at 1 p.m., with a barbecue to follow at 4 p.m. Goldsmith says that youth who return full bags of trash will receive a ticket for a draw with the prize donated by the Northern Store. As to the AGM, it will get under way Tuesday at 7:30 pm at Thomas Simpson high school. The meeting will include the election of new ofÞcers. All community members are encouraged to attend. |