Arthur Milnes
Northern News Services
FORT SIMPSON (May 29/98) - The hoots of laughter and shouts of excitement could once again be heard throughout the village, as the Fort Simpson Youth Group held its second successful events night.
"It was another great showing... a full house," said group founder, RCMP Const. Rick Lebeuf of last Tuesday evening's gathering.
"There were between 50 and 60 kids who took part."
The youth group was formed earlier this year when a group of concerned Fort Simpson residents -- both newcomers and old-timers -- responded to Lebeuf's efforts at getting an active youth committee off the ground.
After numerous meetings, the first event went off without a hitch last month. And last week, the success was repeated.
"Floor hockey again was a big hit," Lebeuf said. "We also played some basketball and soccer and there were arts and crafts upstairs (at the recreation centre)."
Lebeuf said the group has also just received a $500 donation from the R & B Rustlers. Passing on a big thank you, he said the funds will be used to provide participants with refreshments and snacks at upcoming events.
"The group is planning for outdoor activities (over the summer)," Lebeuf said.
"Plans include a boat ride, basketball and baseball games and a water safety course."
Besides Lebeuf, area residents Chad Skolseg, Alison Bogle, Zita Norwegian, RCMP Cadet Terrence Nahanni, Jane Hardisty, Albert Tsetso, Const. John Legge, Laurel McCowan and Peter Cazon have been heavily involved in getting the Fort Simpson Youth Group off the ground.
"Thanks to everyone who has helped out," Lebeuf said. "We couldn't have done it without you."
A more formal weekly events night will soon be under way.
As for the kids, they say they had a great time.
"It was pretty good," said 12-year-old Amanda Dummler.
"I helped out behind the (refreshment) counter, listened to music and did crafts."
"It was cool."
Fellow students Quinton Horesay and Liam Hardisty chimed in, saying they enjoyed the floor hockey the most.
Let the games begin.