Tiffany Thiem
Northern News Services
NNSL (May 27/98) - When you look at the new skateboard park you assume it will be finished soon. But the more you look at it, the more doubts you have.
Mike Feltham is one teen who feels let down by the city's earlier promises.
"They don't have all the stuff that they were going to put in it. Where's the funboxes, grinds and rails? Nothing but a half-pipe and some stairs that lead to nothing."
Mike went to all the public meetings on the skate park and feels misled by the city.
On the other hand, Justin Mager, the youth representative for the park, says that he likes it, and that the plans are still on target -- there's just not enough money to finish it.
"There's supposed to be a half-pipe, five stair, pyramid, low rail, launch ramps and a funbox. We have some of what we're supposed to, but I heard from the guy building it that it's going to cost a lot more, and the rest will probably have to wait until next year."
When asked whether the city was difficult during the planning of the park, Mager said, "Yeah, it took a while, it's always hard negotiating with the city."
Grant White, director of the Department of Community Services, says that the ramp attached to the five-stair structure will be completed most likely in two weeks, and the rest will have to wait for additional money to be available.
The overall price for the obstacles completed was $89,000, and the rest will come around to $20,000 to $30,000 per item.
"Remember: it's being made in cement, that's not cheap," is how White sees it.