Glen Korstrom
Northern News Services
IQALUIT (May 25/98) - Though many Northern communities have women's shelters and women's groups, not many have similar setups for men.
Iqaluit is helping lead the way with Qimokait, a men's program started last month.
Men often feel domestic frustrations, stress and feelings of alienation. With no outlet, there is a greater risk of lashing out -- often at their families -- to blow off steam.
But more importantly, the group will help men express feelings so they can lead lives more connected with their environment.
The name Qimokait means "when a dog team really wants to pull the sled," according to program organizer Manasie Mark.
It is a name which conjures up a striking image of strength and will power.
Weekly meetings are held Mondays in the drug and alcohol treatment centre, a place where many men can end up without a feeling of connection to their community.
"We do welcome all people," Mark says. "And we learn from each other."
So far, the group has gone hunting and worked as a team to help an elder kill a walrus.
When the group kills game, Mark says they donate it to needy people, elders or women's groups.
The group is open to anyone 14 years and older and acts as a counselling group.
"Women are more open when sexually abused and that. Men aren't used to really talking about their lives," says Mark.
At the group, energy is focused on positive vocations such as hunting.
Members meet Monday nights and spend time hunting together.