Arthur Milnes
Northern News Services
FORT PROVIDENCE (May 22/98) - The third phase of a healing gathering to deal with residential schools is set for next month in Fort Providence.
Margaret Thom, who is co-ordinating the gathering, says it will be held the week of June 15-19 at the Deh Gah Got'ie First Nation's T'elemie Healing Camp, which is located about a five-minute boat ride from Fort Providence.
"This place holds all the natural healing elements that will assist individuals as the journey for wellness and freedom from issues of the residential schools (begins)," Thom said in a written release.
"This person choice journey will make possible the gathering of former aboriginal students that want happiness and to heal from the hurts, pains and anger of days gone by."
"The gathering will be facilitated by professional trainers so you are guaranteed to be in very good hands."
Phase 2 of the healing gathering -- which has the theme "I just want to be happy" as its guiding force -- was held last fall in Fort Providence. It is designed to deal with issues that arose from the now closed church-run Sacred Heart school which once operated in this Deh Cho community.
As with last time, Thom says participants must meet five criteria which are: people must be on a healing journey, be sober and clean, a former resident of a residential school, have a willingness to deal with residential school issues, and, be supported by family, friends and a community support group.
"Interested individuals should confirm their participation as soon as possible," Thom said. "There is a limit on the number of participants."
Those taking part should bring their own camping gear, foamies, warm and comfortable outdoor clothes and personal items.
Meals will be provided and support staff will be on hand, Thom said.
She is also asking that all area Dene Bands and Metis Nations support any members who wish to participate.