All quiet at Con
No talks, no replacement workers planned

Doug Ashbury
Northern News Services

NNSL (May 20/98) - It's day seven of the Con mine strike.

United Steelworkers of America Local 802 vice- president Butch Eden said mid-day Monday that "things have been quiet."

Eden is among the 185 miners who went out on strike at 12:01 a.m. Thursday.

Con miners have been taking shifts manning the picket lines at the mine's two gates in eight-hour shifts.

Eden said the only sound from the mine has been compressors operating at the site.

From mine management, Eden said the union has heard nothing.

"We're willing to talk. We've told them any time, anywhere," Eden said.

"We've got some corporate support we're happy with," Eden, referring to the support from local business, said.

Local businesses have supplied the striking miners with coffeemakers, pizza, and even bug juice.

Strike supporters honked as they passed by.

For Victoria Day lunch, a handful of picketing miners at the old gate enjoyed T-bone steaks and rolls. Eden added that support from the local's membership has been good.

When the strike hit, the mine was amid maintenance.

Last week, Miramar Mining Corporation spokesperson Brian Labadie said the company "will not, repeat not" bring replacement workers.

Due to the holiday, Vancouver-based Miramar could not be reached.

Last year, between Christmas and New Year's, Miramar laid off about 120 employees.

Local 802 has been without a collective agreement since April 30, 1997.

They have gone out on strike at a time when the gold price continues to be low.

The London p.m. fix for gold was $300.30 US.

After a recent climb to around $310 US -- what looked to be the start of a recovery -- the commodity fell back.

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