Diamond insiders on the agenda
Secondary diamond industry is primary focus of Sunday event

by Doug Ashbury
Northern News Services

NNSL (Apr 29/98) - Organizers of a one-day Yellowknife diamond conference anticipate the Sunday event will be well-attended.

"Registration has been excellent. We're expecting attendance of about 200 diamond-industry business people," Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce executive director Cheryl Best said.

The May 3 conference -- Diamond Industries in Yellowknife -- begins with a welcoming address from Yellowknife chamber president Garth Malakoe and Mayor David Lovell, with the Yellowknife diamond industry task force at 9:30 a.m. at the Explorer Hotel.

The purpose of the conference, co-sponsored by the chamber and the City of Yellowknife and open to the public, is to present Northerners with information about the secondary diamond industry.

The conference is also an opportunity to network with the diamond industry building partnerships.

First on the list of feature presentations will be Bill Zimmerman, head of BHP Diamonds' rough diamond marketing division.

David Elliot, of Diamond Tenders, a European-based rough diamond marketer, will also give a half-hour presentation during the morning session.

Over lunch, Malakoe will discuss his impression of diamond centre Antwerp.

After lunch, several diamond industry insiders will deliver 20 minute case studies including;

  • Franz Van Looy of Diastar Northstar will speak on cutting facilities and technology.
  • Philip Zimmerman of Zimmy Diamonds will speak on jewelry manufacturing in Canada.
  • Jim and Stephen Ben-Oliel of Sirius Diamonds will speak on diamond cutting and polishing for market.
  • Barney Schumaker of Schumaker Diamonds will speak on current technologies, training and skills required for cutting and polishing.
  • Beth Biggs of Nunavut Aurora College will speak on the Nunavut jewelry course.
  • Ray Halwas and Sue Munn of the RCMP will speak on security in the diamond industry.

At 7:30 p.m., the conference concludes with an open house and overview with John Lawrence and Myrna Higgs of Canadian Diamonds International.

Polar Star's Roger Morton, is among the demonstrations by various diamond and service companies

Morton is tentatively scheduled to bring his diamond wheel.

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