One step closer to freedom
The video "Human Rights For All," is designed to help Northern women and men understand their human rights by Kerry McCluskey
NNSL (Mar 09/98) - If enough people get to see the new video, the number of human rights violations that happen in the NWT on a daily basis could drastically be reduced. Produced by Pido Productions for the NWT Status of Women Council, the video "Human Rights For All," is designed to help Northern women and men understand their human rights. While the video has been developed from the point of view of women, it teaches everyone about their rights. "It's an informational, educational tool to create more awareness where we're at with rights in the NWT," says Doris Toeg, one of the members of the seven-person Northern Women's Rights Committee that ultimately got the video off the ground. "We're the only territory in Canada that does not have a human rights act and basically, that's something that's needed," says Toeg. "A lot of women don't know what their rights are when they're in an oppressive situation. Hopefully the video will provide awareness," says Toeg. The production informs people of their rights using dramatization and facts and lets people know who they can contact if they feel their rights are being violated. The 28-minute video cost a total of $40,000 to produce, has a NWT-wide scope and will be available in both Inuktitut and English. "There's a video part and a discussion kit," says Marsha Argue, the researcher for the council. "It will include other resources and information and should be distributed before the end of April," says Argue. "It's a Northern production and it was filmed in Rankin Inlet, Yellowknife and Fort Smith," says Argue. She added that 200 copies of the video were produced and are available to schools, community organizations and learning centres and anyone else who is interested in it. The film was launched in Yellowknife last week during the International Women's Week celebrations. |