MLAs want to spend surplus
by Jeff Colbourne
NNSL (Mar 04/98) - All GNWT departmental surpluses at the end of March could be spent on the departments of Education and Health and Social Services if a group of MLAs gets its way.
Iqaluit MLA Ed Picco made the motion Monday and it was seconded by High Arctic MLA Levi Barnabas.
"Concerns have been raised many times in this house over the last couple of months concerning problems in health and funding in the Department of Education, especially when we look at teacher-student ratios and concerns with curriculum and tests, and responses that we heard is that there is no more money," said Picco.
Now, however, the government anticipates a $10-million surplus at the end of the 1997-98 fiscal year.
Yellowknife North MLA Roy Erasmus supported the motion and reiterated the need to put more money into education and health.
"Without proper education the first people of this land that we live in cannot participate properly in the workforce and cannot participate fully in the economic development and other opportunities that abound for other well educated people," said Erasmus.
Natilikmiot MLA John Ningark opposed the motion and suggested all surpluses be put towards the GNWT's accumulated debt, which is estimated to be nearly $28 million by the end of the 1998-99 fiscal year.
"Although I like the intent of the motion ... we do have the accumulated deficit in the system. There is a pay-equity dispute," said Ningark.
Nunakput MLA Vince Steen abstained from voting on the motion.
"I would prefer to deal with this specific issue when we see the surpluses being redirected through the supplementary appropriations," said Steen.
Steen's statement received cheers from nearby ministers, John Todd and Don Morin, who abstained from voting, along with Education Minister Charles Dent.
The motion passed, leaving the issue up to cabinet to ponder. |