Winnie's Kitchen
Owner says she loves meeting people

by Arthur Milnes
Northern News Services

ENTERPRISE (Feb 20/98) - Whether travelling into the North from Alberta or heading south, you'll always feel at home in Winnie's Kitchen.

Over the past 14 years, the popular Enterprise restaurant, gift shop and gas station and has become a standard stop for most travellers and those whose business takes them to the highways.

"It's been really great here," says the operation's enthusiastic owner, Winnie Cadieux. "We've met people from all over the world."

"I love meeting all the people and it's nice to give them good food... We're not always the fastest but we're the friendliest."

Cadieux's daughter Anne along with a cook and three part-time staff, complete the staffing at the restaurant.

Cadieux, who came North from Sherwood Park, Alta., in 1971, says her hamburgers and breakfasts are the most popular food items that people always ask for.

"No, it was never in my dreams," she says with a laugh when asked if she'd always thought she'd like to own a restaurant sometime.

Instead, she and husband Richard were looking for somewhere smaller to raise their children. Upon visiting Hay River, they found that all the rooms were booked up. So, they drove on to Enterprise and have, obviously, never looked back.

Back in 1993/94, Winnie's Kitchen was completely renovated and now looks like new.

And their gift shop is full of traditional aboriginal craftwork from across the Western Arctic.

Over the years, rock stars, country singers, politicians and everyday folks from across the world have dropped in for a meal or visit. And, Cadieux giggles when recalling one of the restaurant's stranger visitors.

"The first winter here we looked out the window to see an airplane pulling up to the pumps," she says. "He couldn't land in Hay River (because of fog) and landed on the highway and came here."

Winnie's Kitchen is open from 6 a.m. until midnight, six days a week and from 8 a.m. until 8 pm Sundays.

See you there.