Navigating the future
School boards coming together for annual teachers' conference

by Jeff Colbourne
Northern News Services

NNSL (Feb 11/98) - The city's Catholic and public school boards are getting together, at least for a couple of days.

The cause is the annual teachers' conference tomorrow and Friday.

"It's a chance to network. It's the first time basically all year that both school districts will be together in one facility and are able to chat, talk and go over some of the common things that we are all doing," said Ronda Vandal, co-chair of the conference with Adam Bunin, vice-principal at Range Lake North school.

There are a variety of aspects to the conference, said Vandal, including practical workshops, broad-based theory and philosophical discussions.

A number of local and southern speakers have also been invited to talk to participants, following this year's theme, Navigating the Future -- Guiding Education Into Tomorrow's Reality.

One speaker that is sure to intrigue participants is Dr. Tomorrow, Frank Ogden The internationally recognized futurist is expected to provide an insightful look into the future.

In his books, Ogden explores the electronic and information revolutions, a suggestion of teleports in the future, limited labor unions as more people become self-employed and body implants to make cyborgs.

"He's a radical thinker. He likes the gizmos and the technology and he uses it. He's always a step ahead," said Vandal.

"I think he will challenge us, too, and give us a lot of food for thought, like will they need teachers in the future and where's education going?"

Other speakers include Sally Glover, a registered psychologist with the College of B.C. She will talk on bully-proofing schools.

Greg Meiklejohn will also speak at the conference, zeroing in on marketing management and how to make schools successful in the community.

"We were trying to get speakers that could outline for us what the world is going to look like 30 to 40 years down the road. What we're going into and how we prepare for it," said Vandal.

Close to 400 people have registered for the two-day conference, most of whom are from the Western Arctic.

At the end of the two days, a 15-minute slide show will be given to music, highlighting teachers, students and events at Yellowknife schools.

Two evening sessions by guest speakers are being held during the conference. Frank Ogden will speak at NACC Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5.

Elaine Simmt will be speaking at Range Lake North school gym to discuss the new math curriculum and ways parents can foster mathematical thinking and ideas in schools. Admission is free.