Simpson looks for health board rep
by Arthur Milnes
FORT SIMPSON (Jan 09/98) - Control over health care is another step closer to being a reality in the Deh Cho. On Monday, councillors in the Village of Fort Simpson -- like representatives in all the region's communities in recent months -- announced that they are seeking an interested member of the public to serve as the village's representative on the new Deh Cho Health and Social Services Board. "We'd like a long-term resident that understands the local issues and is extremely committed to the community," said village Mayor Norm Prevost. Local First Nations' and Metis will be also be represented on the board. Interested persons will have to take part in an extensive training program that will begin the week of Jan. 19 to 23. Between now and April, board members will take part in a total of four weeks of courses whose topics are: history and background of health in Canada and the NWT, the legal basis of health, Dene medicine and holistic health care, a board that gets results, and health and social services programs. "The rationale and purpose of having extensive orientation/training for prospective board members is to provide them with sufficient knowledge and information that they are effective board members," DEHSS documents, supplied to the village, stated. "Knowledge is power. Real effective community health control will come with knowledge, experience and confidence. There are no impediments standing in the way of (the) people of the Deh Cho to fully control and manage their health care." Anyone interested in serving as the village's representative on the board should contact the village by Monday. |