DCFN Grand Chief and DIAND Minister meet by Arthur Milnes
FORT SIMPSON (Nov 28/97) - Deh Cho First Nations Grand Chief Michael Nadli and Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Minister Jane Stewart have agreed to examine the possibility of appointing a special envoy to solve the impasse between the two groups. The decision to examine taking this route was made at a face-to-face meeting between the two political leaders in Ottawa on Nov. 16. "The meeting was very cordial," Stewart spokesperson Kelly Ronan said last week from Saskatchewan. "The term used to describe the position was interlocutor." The two groups have been at an impasse for the last number of years. With a new minister appointed last summer -- Stewart -- and a new Grand Chief elected at Kakisa this year -- Nadli -- many observers have hoped the logjam over land claims discussions and other issues could be broken. Former grand chief Gerald Antoine was also part of the DCFN delegation at the meeting, Ronan said. On Tuesday, Nadli said he was continuing to brief his membership on the meeting and other issues. He said a statement would be coming from the DCFN next week. In addition to meeting with Stewart, Nadli also spoke before a House of Commons committee while in Ottawa. As of press time, a transcript of the session wasn't available. |