WCB revenue $23 million
by Nancy Gardiner
NNSL (Oct 22/97) - The NWT Workers' Compensation Board has about $28 million in its operating and catastrophe reserves, an increase of more than $9 million from 1995. The figures are contained in the board's annual report for calendar year 1996. It was tabled in the legislative assembly last week. In 1996, requests for review were made on 119 issues: 67 claim issues, 32 pension issues, six vocational rehabilitation issues and 14 revenue issues. Reviews resulted in 88 decisions upheld, 21 reversed and 11 were varied, according to the WCB annual report. There were 25 appeals in 1996 to the appeals tribunal, which is the second and final level of appeals. A dozen decisions were reversed, nine upheld, two were varied and two were outstanding at year end. An interim restructuring in February introduced a service standard of 35 days from submission date to hearing date. And the present structure of a full-time chairperson and vice-chair came into being. Assessment revenue from employers was $23 million, with investment income at $15 million. The major focus of the WCB is now on accident prevention and will continue to be. The new mandate will be carried through education and enforcement, according to the WCB. With that in mind, WCB safety advisers gave training to more than 1,000 workers and employers in 15 communities. The WCB's industrial safety unit made 55 community visits last year, completing 1,047 inspections. With division on the horizon for April 1, 1999, options are being researched for compensation delivery following division. A legislative review of the board's four acts was undertaken to identify necessary amendments, which will be introduced early next year. |