Liquor store hours slashed
Todd reduces hours in face of political heat

by Glenn Taylor
Northern News Services

INUVIK (Oct 10/97) - The NWT Liquor Commission has decided to reduce operating hours at Inuvik's new liquor store, bowing to pressure from Inuvik MLA Floyd Roland, the Inuvik Alcohol Committee and concerned residents.

The new store, formerly the ISGL building, opened Oct. 1. The store was to operate 54 hours per week, but that has since been cut to 42.

Commission general manager, Ron Courtoreille, continues to deny charges from the Inuvik Alcohol Committee that longer hours were intended to increase sales.

"We wanted longer hours, in part, to compete with the bootleggers," said Courtoreille. "We're also concerned that when chronic abusers can't get access to alcohol, they turn to other substances like hair spray and Lysol."

So why did the Commission decide to reduce hours? "Why did I decide? I didn't decide," said Courtoreille. "It was decided higher up," by John Todd, Minister responsible for the commission. "That's his prerogative."

"If the government had done a better job of consulting people in Inuvik, this whole issue could have been avoided," said Roland.

The new store still plans to stock 140 more items than offered by the previous store and the hours of operation at 42 are up substantially from the 27 hours formerly offered. "This isn't the best solution," said Roland. "However, it is better than what was planned and is a partial response to the concerns raised on behalf of my constituents." Roland commended residents for voicing their concerns.

Roland said residents were "outraged that the government would increase the hours the liquor outlet was open and at the same time cut funding which forced the closure of Delta House, the community's alcohol treatment and rehabilitation centre."

The new store isn't completed yet, and much of the product is on the floor, awaiting shelving to be shipped. More product will arrive when renovations are complete, said Courtoreille. The seven-year contract to provide the service was awarded to Stanton's.