Mayor demands action

NNSL (Aug 08/97) - Yellowknife's mayor wants city council and administration to take a hard look at what's happening in the city's downtown core.

"We need more information on current incidents that are happening -- who, what, where, when and why," said Dave Lovell at a committee meeting, Wednesday afternoon.

His comments came in response to a petition that has been circulating around the city, asking residents to support a call for city council to order a curfew for city streets.

Police and residents have also voiced concern over recent violent incidents in the city's core, including random beatings, brawls and possible gang activity.

Lovell said he's not convinced a curfew outlawing youths and children from being on the street at night is the answer.

"I don't know that the people who are doing this (committing violent acts) are under 18. We might be going after the wrong problem by looking at a curfew," he said.

Lovell said he wants staff to prepare a report for council detailing who is causing the problem, whether or not a curfew would be enforceable, and how businesses and other organizations would be affected by a curfew.

"I don't think this is something we can just charge head-long into," Lovell said. "When we do find out, then we need to take a look at what needs to be done about it."

The issue is expected to be discussed by city council at its next meeting, Monday night at city hall.