On the prowl
Bears making inroads into the city, but no more than usual by Cheryl Leschasin
NNSL (Aug 20/97) - Though there have been a number of bear sightings in Yellowknife over the last few weeks, the manager of wildlife and parks for the GNWT, said the number of bears in the area is no greater than normal. "The number of bears we have had in town aren't unusual," said Gerd Fircke. He added there were a few occasions when wildlife officers had to use deterrents to scare bears back into the bush, but that is normal practice. Late last July, a black bear entered a home on Kasteel Drive. Last Thursday, a bear sighting was reported in the William MacDonald school and Sissons Court area. There have been other reportings between these two incidents. In the first instance, the bear was destroyed by wildlife officers. "In cases where we feel there's a danger, we have to take more drastic measures, but very reluctantly," said Fircke. It is up to the wildlife officer on call to determine whether the threat is serious enough to consider destroying an animal. There is no set distance to town that is considered safe or unsafe. Every case is weighed on an individual basis, taking into consideration the bears' location in relation to populated areas, whether the bear is a "repeat offender," and how easy or difficult it will be to scare the bear off. The wildlife and parks office works in conjunction with the Yellowknife Fire Department and the city when bear sightings occur. When sightings are made out-of-town, in campgrounds or cabins, wildlife officers will work with local residents to try and scare the bear away. Bear sightings within the city, however, should always be reported either to wildlife and parks, the RCMP or the Fire Department. |