Questions remain unanswered
by Richard Gleeson
NNSL (Aug 15/97) - The RCMP and Gwich'in Tribal Council have opposing views of who put an end to a police investigation of tribal council business dealings. "We can't as an organization decide that," said tribal council president Richard Nerysoo when asked if delegates at the annual assembly were to vote on whether the investigation would proceed. "That is something outside our responsibility," emphasized Nerysoo. "We have no jurisdiction to decide whether an investigation will continue." The statement flies in the face of others made two weeks ago by the RCMP investigator who did preliminary interviews after the force received a complaint last month from a beneficiary. Cstl. Jean Cormier of the Yellowknife detachment said the investigation was suspended until after the annual assembly. "It's kind of on hold," said Cormier of the investigation. "We're waiting for something to come through first, and that will determine the next stage." Pressed for clarification, Cormier indicated a complaint from one beneficiary would not be enough to launch a full-scale investigation. "At the annual assembly they should have a fair representation of the people. If they say `Yes, we feel we have been victimized,' we proceed with the investigation. But if they vote `No' we don't investigate." But the motion dealing with the investigation never made it to a vote. The motion was withdrawn after the tribal council introduced a new financial bylaw that provides for increased monitoring of its business dealings. When called last week, Cormier refused to comment on the status of the investigation, but said a press release that would be issued within the hour would explain it. Called back later the same day, Cormier said the release had to be reviewed by his supervisor Sgt. Paul Gamble, who was then away. Yesterday Sgt. Gamble said no press release was issued nor would be issued. His response to questions concerning the investigation, the fate of the press release and sudden silence of RCMP about the investigation were greeted with the same reply -- "We're not making any comment." |