Driver, 19, fined for near-miss
If pedestrian had been killed, charge would have been more serious, says judge

by Chris Meyers Almey
Northern News Services

NNSL (June 06/97) - The driver of a car that struck a teenager walking on Forrest Drive March 24 is lucky he didn't kill anyone, territorial court judge Robert Halifax said Tuesday.

Halifax said Perry Reno Bisaro, charged with drunk driving, could have been facing a far more serious charge and a substantial jail term had the teen's injuries been more serious.

Crown lawyer Sandra Aitken told court that Bisaro, 19, was picked up at home by RCMP, where he was combative and told police to get out.

Bisaro tried to shut the door in the Mountie's face, but was taken to the floor and handcuffed. Once the cuffs were removed at the police station, Bisaro became aggressive and abusive and tried to leave the breathalyser room.

The next day Bisaro wrote an apology to the Mountie, who accepted it as sincere, Aitken said.

Defence lawyer Jim Posynick said Bisaro replaced a garbage container he also hit and is receiving alcohol counselling.

The car was his mother's, who will take a hit on her insurance, but Bisaro is paying the difference between the insurance coverage and cost of repairs, the lawyer said.

Bisaro blew .18 and .20 on the breathalyser. The legal limit .08.

The judge fined Bisaro $1,200 plus a $180 victim surcharge, granting five months to pay or go to jail, and banned the youth from driving for eight months.